Roomba j7 won’t connect to wifi

Roomba j7 won’t connect to wifi

Roomba j7 consist the latest technology and advanced feature to improve the home cleaning in an effective way. If you encounter the connectivity issue with your cleaning robot then this blog can resolve your issue and bring it back online well connected with wifi.

Roomba j7 setup

For Roomba setup you must take out your device from the box and keep it on the dock for the charging. Get iRobot home app on your device and generate an account for the login process. After completing the setup process enter into app and add device in the setting section of your app. Connect the power cord of the dock to an electrical source to get the power connectivity. Turn on your device and press the clean button. Connect your device with wifi network but before that charge your device fully, enter the exact SSID and its password and when the connection is done alter the settings and set the cleaning schedule. You can also use your device with smart home devices, just give voice commands and make your life easier.

How to get Roomba j7 back online

Examine the signal strength and wifi network- First make sure your wifi network is available and sturdy. You can check the connectivity status by examining the network service with other linked devices. If there is issue with those devices then consult your network service provider. Roomba j7 needs stable and secure network strength for operating so you can use wifi extender for the sturdy network and to resolve the signal issue you must restart your wifi router.

Restart the device-To resolve the issue sometimes restarting can work in your favour. For this you need to press and hold the clean button for few second to switch it off then wait and do the same for switch it on.

Reconnect to network- To resolve the connectivity issue you can use the option of forget wifi network on the robot when restarting won’t help. When you will click on the forget wifi option you have to reconnect to the wifi network again and for it you need to turn on the Roomba by pressing the clean button. Access the setting menu and find the wifi setting on the robot’s display. Select the SSID, press forget or remove button and then reconnect to network similarly, choose the wifi network from the list and enter password.

Reset the device- If nothing could solve your issue then reset can give you the temporary solution. To reset Roomba j7 switch it on, find the home and spot clean button hold and press them altogether. You will hear the reset wifi prompt and immediately release the buttons. As reset will varnish the settings and connection so you need to establish the connection and settings again once it gets restarted.

Examining the settings- If you have enabled the fire wall or antivirus then that can prevent the connection setup so disable them for a while to build the connection, you can see this in router’s setting section, if you don’t know how to disable them the check it with your manufacturer or user guide.


Even after trying and executing these helping tips if your Roomba j7 still not connecting to wifi then contact the technical experts of or visit their website to get the solution with immediate effects.

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